Saturday, June 26, 2004

Me with Daddy Posted by Hello

In the pool with Mommy Posted by Hello

Bathing beauty Posted by Hello

Me and Mommy Posted by Hello

Me with Grandma and Grandpa Posted by Hello

Piper Julia Posted by Hello

Three month's old and two feet tall

Three month's old. It's about time I started to make some notes. So far I've gained two whole inches and about five pounds. The big news this week is that I've started eating solid food (sort of) and I like it a lot. Its called applesauce and after three month's of nothing but milk you'd think it was something special too. Also, I've been swimming at the pool (well, OK just splashing about if you want to be accurate) and that's a lot of fun. I'm used to water since I have a shower most mornings so I pretty much knew what to expect in the pool (neonate tip on showers: the trick is to keep your mouth and eyes shut when you get your head dunked under the water). I've been having a daily shower ever since my umbilical cord dropped off (and, by the way, thankfully I have an innie belly button) - that little yellow baby bath only got about three outings and I haven't seen it for a couple of months. The other big news is that I've learnt to talk and I now talk a lot but I've just recently realised that nobody understands what I'm saying. I guess I'm going to have to learn their language and that's going to take me a while. I've also figured out how to get out of my bouncy chair (by rolling over and sliding out) but its not that much fun since I just end up a pile on the floor (note to self: I'm going to have to learn to crawl). Other than being mobility challenged things are going pretty well.